
In a world of 'big problems' I prefer to focus on the simple beauty around me. Painting people, animals, a landscape...

The focus goes from 'globale themes' to human-being 'things' & the nature in general as one of my biggest inspirations. Human being, easy but not easy experiences.

Feelings, emotions, elements. And other things people are going through, everyone on a everyday base. My inspiration lies in all of this..

Expressing the caracter of 'the thing', with a loose paintingstyle and always my personal perception of the object of art within the work I make...


My work

My work is called a bit impressionistic. The subjects I fall in love with are human-related like beside faces, inspiring landscapes, places, empty buildings, old hospitals, where once people lived together.. And served eachother.

I am really extremely excited to embrace the beauty in the simple.. In expressing what everone (sometimes) is going through or is wondering about. It could be scenes from walking at the beach and having an experience of freedom by seeing the beauty of the sea and the wildness within this piece of nature. Currently I am focussing on a few portraits of people and animals, within on the background a landscape wich refers to one or more of the four elements (water, fire, the earth and the air).

Get in touch with me

You can sent me an email if you are interested in a work of me or a commision-based artwork. After your email I will react on your message most of the time within seven days.






© 2024 Marieke Herweijer. All rights reserved.